Our online store will not be fulfilling orders from 22.12.2023 until 02.01.2024. Delicatessen wishes you happy holidays!


Dear Customers, we fulfill our own deliveries with personal transport and only deliver to Sofia.

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Stuffed peppers with beef from a jar

Prepare a quick, easy and tasty meal with Delicatessen meat in a jar.

To prepare them you need:

3 large colored peppers;
1 jar of Delicatessen beef;
2 onions;
100g mushrooms;
cooking oil or other cooking fat;
salt, red and black pepper

How to prepare them:

Stew onions and mushrooms in a pan and season with salt, black and red pepper. Cut and clean the peppers and put them with a little oil to bake in the oven for about 30 minutes. Take them out and arrange in each pepper a slice of yellow cheese and fill the mixture with onions and mushrooms. Put the beef from the jar on top and cover again with a slice of yellow cheese. Put back in the oven for another 10 minutes and you’re done!

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