Our online store will not be fulfilling orders from 22.12.2023 until 02.01.2024. Delicatessen wishes you happy holidays!


Dear Customers, we fulfill our own deliveries with personal transport and only deliver to Sofia.

Awards and Certificates

Our statements and assurances of unbelievable taste and quality of our products Delicatessen are backed up by eight Gold Medals, won in five consecutive years in the biggest and most prestigious exposition for meat processing companies in Bulgaria. Along with Gold, our meats have been awarded in 2014 with a Plaque and a Diploma from the Bulgarian Union of Food Industry, as well as in 2017 for our well-designed and functional packaging.

Delicatessen has also been selected as the Favorite Brand of Bulgarian consumers for 2019. The ranking does not rely on the jury for the nominations; they are free based solely on consumer preferences for particular brands in different industries. We keep building upon the achieved and are sure that many more awards await!

Banski But Delicatessen has been awarded with a Gold Medal from Mesomania 2014
Babek Delicatessen has been awarded with a Gold Medal from Mesomania 2014
Homemade Nevrokopski Sudjuk Delicatessen has been awarded with a Plaque and a Diploma for New Product for 2014 by the Bulgarian Union of Food Industry
Topuzka Delicatessen has been awarded with a Plaque and a Diploma for New Product for 2014 by the Bulgarian Union of Food Industry
Banski Starets Delicatessen has been awarded with a Gold Medal from Mesomania 2015
Beef Lukanka Delicatessen has been awarded with a Gold Medal from Mesomania 2015
Homemade Nevrokopski Sudjuk Delicatessen has been awarded with a Gold Medal from Mesomania 2016
The boxed meat and the transport display packaging of Delicatessen have been awarded with a prize and a diploma from Prize Pack 2017
Pork Meat in Jar Delicatessen has been awarded with a Gold Medal from Mesomania 2017
Beef Meat in Jar Delicatessen has been awarded with a Gold Medal from Mesomania 2017
Sushena Kurvavitza Delicatessen has been awarded with a Gold Medal from Mesomania 2018
Delicatessen has been selected as the Favorite Brand of Bulgarian consumers for 2019 The ranking does not rely on the jury for the nominations; they are free based solely on consumer preferences for particular brands in different industries.
Delicatessen participated in the 50th anniversary of ANUGA, the largest international food exhibition
Topuzka Delicatessen has been awarded with a Gold Medal from Mesomania 2019

For the second year in a row, Delicatessen is the Favorite Bulgarian Sausage Brand, according to the MY LOVE MARKS 2020 consumer ranking, which does not rely on a jury, but entirely on consumer preferences!

Delicatessen won the competition of the 24 Chasa newspaper “Big Little” and received an advertisement in the media channels worth BGN 10,000, which aims to support small businesses.