Our online store will not be fulfilling orders from 22.12.2023 until 02.01.2024. Delicatessen wishes you happy holidays!


Dear Customers, we fulfill our own deliveries with personal transport and only deliver to Sofia.

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Quick salad with chicken from a jar

Prepare a quick, easy and tasty meal with Delicatessen meat in a jar.

To prepare them you need:

1 jar of Delicatessen chicken;
iceberg or mixed salads of your choice;
1 red onion;
Cherry tomatoes;
olive oil, lemon and spices of your choice

How to prepare them:

Mix in a large bowl the iceberg or lettuce, add the peeled and sliced ​​avocado, onion and cherry tomatoes, corn and chicken. Prepare a dressing from the juice of half a lemon, olive oil, salt and pepper and pour over the salad. Mix well and enjoy it!

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