Our online store will not be fulfilling orders from 22.12.2023 until 02.01.2024. Delicatessen wishes you happy holidays!


Dear Customers, we fulfill our own deliveries with personal transport and only deliver to Sofia.

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Delicatessen’s participation in ANUGA

Delicatessen played an important part in the Bulgarian booth at the 50-year anniversary edition of the world first convention for the international food industry, namely ANUGA.

Delicatessen played an important part in the Bulgarian booth at the 50-year anniversary edition of the world first convention for the international food industry, namely ANUGA. The convention took place in Cologne, Germany and Delicatessen presented Bulgaria’s  culinary traditions in the form of meat products, tempting not only taste aficionados, but those that appreciate quality and form as well.
This appearance opened many doors into the European market, which allowed for the successful registration of the Delicatessen trademark in the EU. Banski But, Banski Starets, Topuzka, Beef Lukanka, Beef Sudjuk, and canned Delicatessen meats are now on sale in Germany, France, Spain, Portugal and other European countries.

