Our online store will not be fulfilling orders from 22.12.2023 until 02.01.2024. Delicatessen wishes you happy holidays!


Dear Customers, we fulfill our own deliveries with personal transport and only deliver to Sofia.

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Delicatessen wins 9th consecutive gold medal for Meatmania 2019

For the last six years, in their 6 consecutive presentations on the international expo Meatmania, Delicatessen has won a total of nine gold medals for their products.

For the last six years, in their 6 consecutive presentations on the international expo Meatmania, Delicatessen has won a total of nine gold medals for their products, with their last gold medal for 2019 being for their Topuzka – an authentic dried delicacy with authentic shape, large core structure and amazing taste. Their Topuzka is prepared according to a 70-year old family recipe
and the secret to its amazing palatal qualities is hidden the quality meat and specially selected herbs and spices from the mountains.

2019 has been a strong year for Delicatessen as, besides their participation in the 50th edition of the #1 international expo for the food industry – Anuga, Delicatessen won another important award – the brand was elected Favorite brand of the Bulgarian consumer in the category for meat products in the yearly “My Love Marks” competition, which relies entirely on the votes of the Bulgarian public, making it a truly worthy award.

